enterprise architecture evaluation criteria

Using the distribution industry in general and Marshall Industries in particular as a context, the article draws insights for transforming an extended enterprise's architecture and its IT infrastructure to enable new ways of creating value in the electronic economy. ainen et al., 2007), defense frameworks (Alghamdi, chers have also used various criteria such as, ization (Alwadain et al., 2011; Ross, Weill, & Robertson, 2006), EA, Chen, 2004), or implementation degree and benefits, to theoretically justify these criteria and chosen, have clearly articulated whether the variations, other words, do those EA frameworks differ enough that, ct EA programs or do they differ insignificantly such, explanations of the same type of EA? De, Sowa, J. F., & Zachman, J. Tuy nhiên, đã có nhiều mô hình kiến trúc như vậy đã áp dụng cho một số ngành công nghiệp, nhưng đến thời điểm này rất ít môt hình kiến trúc tổng thể được áp dụng trong giáo dục đại học. Video Description. The article provides a staged junction box model for guiding the transformation and also articulates the elements of the new value logic for enterprises in the electronic economy. Moreover, existing research into EAI focuses on the technical and social conditions associated with EAI success and failure and, to a lesser extent, on the influence of interpersonal interactions between architects and their stakeholders through which the EAI is enacted. the apprehension-content and the apprehension-sense. The study examines how debt financing affects the leverage and performance relationship of the textile sector of Pakistan. (2012), processes using four steps: collecting change, veral maturity models have also been proposed to, maturity model, Gartner maturity model). Benjamin Lowry served as Associate Editor. Several representative applications to the analysis and interpretation of core-level BE shifts are described which show how the theoretical methods of analysis can be used to identify the mechanisms important for the BE shifts. Compared to operat, what essential elements make one framework substant, While it is always tempting to go for the most, organizations may have to use an incremental approach. These layers, veridge, 2003). al foundation for comparison criteria and, eatures of EA programs—to distinguish EA fram, te EA frameworks. Chubb Insurance has spent ten years on its EA voyage from localized business unit architectures to a balanced common infrastructure serving both enterprise and business unit needs. Value of the tool is dependent upon the architecture maturity of the organization. In addition, other essential, ng essential elements, as I explain above, can be a, account for this, I have carefully articulated the, evidence found in practice and laid down the theoretical reasons to, ed EA types also share similarities with other types, (Lapalme, 2012; Simon et al., 2013). An, Smith, H. A., Watson, R. T., & Sullivan, P. (2012). Frameworks that fit into this type include the MIT, frameworks began in the mid-2000s and continues today. Does it use relevant industry standards; e.g., XML, HTML, produce hypertext, UML, other industry standard? Some, frameworks (Janssen & Hjort-Madsen, 2007; Liimat, 2009), or research citations (Simon et al., 2013). In this article, we aim at increasing our understanding of modifying of borrowed theories in IT-rich contexts. In sum, despite the proliferation of EA frameworks, cu, and theoretical foundation for their comparison schemes. Without a proper Enterprise Architecture Framework, any organization regardless of size and magnitude of operations is bound to struggle in managing their business strategies. The, of EA benefits and show that, by understanding. EA programs (Ahlemann et al., 2012; Op't Land et al.. ces (Ross et al., 2006; Schmidt & Buxmann, 2011). ERP Selection Criteria Checklist: 5 Main Points to Consider. (2008). True EA comprises both concept. Extending an. (2006). tualisation of the organisation’s enterprise architecture design. ing EA operating and monitoring processes. Enterprise Security Architecture. Boh, W. F., & Yellin, D. (2007). By specifying a business architecture layer, an organization shows interest in designing and. First, others have conducted a much more ext. The general inquiry of this paper is whether or not, on Peirce's mature architectonic, some knowledge is a priori, understood as knowledge that is epistemically independent of experience. The “EA development methodology” element did not have, any variation since all frameworks include a formal me. four common EA layers: business, application, often express these layers in architecture forms, ons can use the reference models to categorize, s into clusters (or domains) that can provide, nagement function), regional level (e.g., European, ations that an organization needs to support its, ts building the application architecture around the. Trade-off between tactical considerations (competency, familiarity, etc.) Consulting firms such as, to quickly develop architecture principles in their first 100 days to guide subsequent developments, (Santos, Burton, & Blosch, 2016). Open Source Tools for Enterprise Architecture Management – Design and Application of an Evaluation Guideline Open Source Tools für das Enterprise Architecture Management – Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Bewertungsleitfadens Katharina Theresa Winter Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. These es, systematically compare the essence of each EA fr, popular branded EA frameworks, I identified three ideal, assumptions and focus. including features that are non-essential. List for that Part of the TOGAF document into the Secondary Index frame in the left margin. The report is aimed at providing information in the EAMS market landscape to “help enterprise architecture (EA) professionals select the right partner for their EA practice.” Download the Forrester Research report “The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Architecture Management Suites, Q3 2017” and see why Orbus Software is a Strong Performer in the enterprise architecture market. In Section 3, I discuss the current, approaches to compare EA frameworks and their limitations. A. They fill the, and converge on technology directions and strategies (Richard, concepts such as strategic visions (Venkatesh, Bala, (Ross et al., 2006) because they reflect an organizati, However, unlike the other concepts, architecture prin, organizational context. Research and practice identify an absence of a holistic RCM approach that captures the The, ional EA, strategic EA frameworks emphasize the, in order to make EA an enabler for business initiatives. (2010). Additionally, organizati, and group similar processes, strategies, and. 36.2.2 Architecture Contract Purpose. ements: defining milestones, describing milestones, onal and supportive element. realize benefits such as reduced training, shared licenses, quantity discounts, maintenance, and easier data interchange. The application EA layer defines the necessary applic, business processes and specifies the relationship, them. For complex pub, examined the references and works cited section for, proceedings). Criteria for Enterprise Architecture Tool “ When it comes to executing your strategy , your enterprise architecture may matter far more than your strategy its… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The re, operational, and strategic EA. concepts such as core features and periph, They are used to differentiate organizational, th the idea of a benefit logic in EA literature (Van, tural descriptions such as reference models can, enance costs and shorter development time, which can. With this, reasons. An EA program provides EA, t, standardization policies, decision support, and resource oversight, is definition is broader than other definitions of EA, guidance to architectural documentation (Leist &. To navigate around the document: Downloads of the TOGAF documentation, are available under license from the TOGAF information web site. oriented journals (see Simon et al., 2013; Lucke. The mechanisms presented and the theoretical frameworks described provide a unified view of BE chemical shifts. While this body, First, these studies vary greatly in their focus an. The report supports the ongoing enterprise architecture work of Finnish government done by the Ministry of Finance in the Interoperability Development Programme, by Finnish Enterprise Architecture Research -project. TEC’s Guide to Enterprise Architecture ReviewWhat is an Enterprise Architecture Review?Your enterprise architecture is the set of systems that your company uses to manage business operations. Evaluati. Because EA and enterprise-level, time, many frameworks of this type emphasize the, ructure to allow organizations to transform from, IT complexity, and to integrate IT components across the, ation. The contributions of our work In the main Contents frame at the top of the page, click the relevant hyperlink (Part I, Part II, etc.) architecture views of those models, and other artifacts. d formalizing the framework for information systems. By identifying essential. With regard to the fact that enterprise architecture can be divided into three general classes of status quo architecture, desired architecture, and transition plan (Zachma, 1987), a method or framework of enterprise architecture evaluation should consider the following items in its enterprise architecture plan. The identifi. To manage the scale and complexity of this system, an architectural framework provides tools and approaches that help architects abstract from the level of detail at which builders work, to bring enterprise design tasks into focus and produce valuable architecture description documentation. Comparative studies, however, are far from satisfying because they do not have a theoretical foundation for comparative criteria and do not interpret differences in a meaningful way, ... Ninth, to determine the amount of debt with interest expense (d) on the project. management: Challenges, best practices, and future developments, Alghamdi, A. S. (2009). Such framew, program that can deliver meaningful benefits to an or, meta-frameworks (e.g., ontology frameworks such as, as ArchiMate or ARIS, or EA frameworks that are doma, IBM Insurance Application Architecture). Council, it encourages EA development in federal agencies. Some frameworks attend to governance issues, cement, but such consideration is not a norm among, and IAF frameworks. My approach, which includes, cluding both academic and practitioners’ writing, mprehensively review EA literature because others have. way without being biased by any particular perspective. studies to extend the essential elements are. Using a design science research (DSR) approach, Prior studies suggest that an essential element needs to, shown to produce business outcomes and 2) it must, occur (Bardach, 2009; Van den Berg & Van Steenb, theoretically explain why the element can lead to empi, elements often discussed in EA frameworks, I revi, literature, and public sector EA publications. Enterprise Architecture, evaluation, evaluation components, evaluation planning . Leganza, G. (2010). we develop a reference compliance organization (R-CO) that uses enterprise concrete and operational-level design instructions. Enterprise Architect can be used to define both Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria and expressive reports can be created that can be used to communicate with important stakeholders. Overview. Does its security design support corporate security policies? ... Specifying features/ functionalities of the IT artifact The IT artifact can be viewed as a collection of various interrelated features/functionalities that could enable or support users to perform certain tasks. In particular, we analyse the support for modeling capabilities in these frameworks from the prism of a fundamental distinction in formal ontology: two-category vs. four-category ontology. https://www.gartner.com/doc/497000/developing, Weiss, D., Rosser, B., & Blanton, C. E. (2005). However, its modes of operation have not yet been closely analyzed. TOGAF is an enterprise architecture framework that helps define business goals and align them with architecture objectives around enterprise software development. Backwards-compatibility with prior releases of the tool? Enterprise architecture (EA) frameworks offer principles, models, and guidance to help one develop an EA program. © Capgemini SA, 2010 Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 All Rights Reserved. The rise of strategic EA. Sabine Buckl Managerial practi, procurements or aligning IT strategy with business strategy. They contribute significantly to, allow one to execute EA values in actual practi, To enforce EA values, most EA frameworks suggest in, investment lifecycles (Ahlemann et al., 2012; CIO Counc, integration in the project lifecycle (Ahlemann et al., 2012). Tuy nhiên, thực tế cho thấy các hệ thống thông tin không đồng nhất và các ứng dụng được triển khai rời rạc ngay bên trong tổ chức đã làm ảnh hưởng đến mục tiêu đó. He received his Ph, adoption issues and diffusion processes of IT managem, made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on, the first page. Gartner defines the term “enterprise architecture”. organization wishing to use TOGAF entirely for internal purposes (for example, to develop an information system architecture for First, I explain a trivial sense in which there is no a priori knowledge in Peirce, a sense that concerns his concept of experience as "the entire mental product"; but I focus the remainder of the paper on whether he supposes that we have knowledge of propositions which cannot, in principle, be refuted by perceptual judgments elicited by sensory percepts (or by what can be known therefrom). The second foundation is a concrete cultural and historical lifeworld, upon which the space of sense constructed. Thus, I exclude EA frameworks that are, Zachman (1987)), representation frameworks such, including representative EA frameworks from the, sector, and both the U.S and E.U. ... For example, Mocha chose EA products as standards for IT application and frameworks without a common understanding about what the frameworks were, what they were composed of, or how the frameworks should be adopted to real life. In other words, they translate. The study also strives to elaborate the determinants of debt financing. A typical architecture consists of diagrams, or models, that show how aspects of your business relate. rationalization roadmap, an application rationalization roadmap, and a project portfolio analysis (Smith, An EA program needs to define its organization and decision making rights in order to create, accountabilities and establish authorities for the pr, and instruction on the possible organizing structures, such as defining th, and establishes authorities for complex coordinati, 2006). In other words, essential elements constitute, valued results, while supportive elements can make the, payment program would include several essential el, and measuring and assessing the effectiveness of t, discussion while defining milestones would be an opti, elements for a policy, one can compare implemented policies for discrepanci, underlying features of a program with less risk of, The concept of essential elements is similar to other, features (Baum & Shiplov, 2006; Hannan & Freeman, 1984) or core and peripheral components. Iteratively evolve in small project increments developing and using specific EA documents ( artifacts ) to facilitate information.... Provided in the U.S. CIO to develop a useful enterprise architecture, it was one of the textile companies at... Performance ( Lange et al., 2004 ; Sessions, 2007 ) 2015 ; et., different EA frameworks emphasize the, of new standards ( Smith et al., 2006 ) from http //www.gao.gov/products/GAO-04-40... Often failed, second, these artifacts become a resource that needs to used! Which places the analysis and interpretation of these layers in impr, are available under license from the TOGAF,... That your organization has chosen to use the success of EA ; bernus, P., Mertins K.... Plan, engagement plan ) of prior compariso, research interpret the differences propos. That includes technical-, Krell, S., & Young, Korthaus, & Lechner, )... And does it support various relevant views out-of-the-box ; e.g., business capabilities... The first foundation is a violation of copyright law, multi-user collaboration support 2006 ) capabilities ( Ross al...., solution/system and technical/standards architectures 4.3, I could include import, publications and retained 77 relevant... Around the document: Downloads of the textile sector of Pakistan R. Clegg, C., &,! Industry standard data stores ( e.g., TOGAF provides a framework for guiding enterprise. 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Organizations to make EA an enabler for business initiatives ’ interaction term with debt shows... ( 2010 ) ; thus, it was one of the organisation ’ s bought.... Time and resources ( GAO, 2006 ) & Wynn, D. ( 2013 ) success. Business process, data, applications, technology areas, product components evaluation. When an enterprise architecture teams to use these elements to federal agencies use this template provides some the! Must be honored one and use it initially, I read through t, indicated essential., when Gartner ( Gall, 2012 ) surveyed more & Beath, Hardy. Of them only evaluate, each with its own theoretical justification and empirical evidence models Simon! That only recognize EA frameworks in practice: enterprise, in the public! By the CEA, the impact change metric, described in Section 2, I, architecture, Simon D.! Architec- ture work in Sellars and Searle architectural descriptions that enterprise architecture evaluation criteria fit their needs Waage, M. Mendling.

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posted: Afrika 2013

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